Current and Future Activities 

This page discusses current and future activities of our committee and committee members, including upcoming meetings, call for papers, newsletters, and other new business.

1998 January Meeting Special Notice

Future Mid-Year Meetings for the TRB Transportation Planning/Economics/Data Committees are planned for:
Previous mid-year meetings of the statewide data committee were held in:

1998 TRB Annual Meeting: CALL FOR PAPERS

The "Call for Papers" closed August 1, 1997. We had a call in two subject areas; ITS data for tranportation planning and VMT for statewide planning.

We are currently in the process of review five papers that were assigned to the committee. Watch this space for further details.

TRB Transportation Data Committees Newsletter

TRB staff are working with the six associated data committees to put together a newsletter of committee activities and news from around the world related to transportation planning data. To get on the "friends e-mailing list", please contact Pierre-Marc Daggett at TRB ( More importantly, if you have tidbits or factoids to contribute to this effort, please help out and get in your contributions to either Alice Watland or Pierre-Marc.


updated: 081397, edc